WhiteHot Sollo

WhiteHot Sollo is in front of Earth 23 light seconds in front of Earth in the Center View of Our Sun. Our Star radiates a Monopoly of Free Energy which sustains our solar system with its gravity and energy. Interstellar Star Base Sollo shaped like a funnel from top to bottom, faces Earth in front of the smallest part of the funnel. Sollo’s is a spiraling out vortex with a widest structures at the top facing our sun. Exsorp (Radii’s –Sollo’s Sun Power Transformer Base) is inline with our view of our star. This Sollo sun catching solar farm is a 66 miles circle, being a one-mile-thick wall all the way around, and 27 miles high by Earth’s measurements. One second of our sun’s solar energy captured at Exsorp could easily power our current Modern Worldwide Earth for multiples of years.  

WhiteHot Sollo

Earth’s stated Kardashev scale classifies civilizations based on their power level and ability to harness energy and retain power. A civilization that can utilize all the energy on its planet, including solar, wind, geothermal, and tidal energy is required. Safely handling nuclear and fusion trillion jewel generated power is a stepping up technology into type one civilization as well with clean and safe energy. Within two coming generations, we humans will become a fundamental rooky type one civilization on the Kardashev scale. Harnessing our sun’s radiative energy here on Earth is the mastery of our sun’s fusion solar power and Technology with This Out of this World Classification.

Interstellar Star Base Sollo

Sollo is just a little smaller than the State of California. Earth is in front of the smallest part of the funnel. WhiteHot Sollo supplies our visions and energies forward with each new day with our sun energy untapping Earth’s worldwide energy solutions. Earth’s Humanity is being fully encouraged to engage with our sun’s dynamical power. We are under the influence of WhiteHot Sollo to lighten our Earthly energy solutions forever on a human timeline of power consumption. Our sun is the answer for power for everything. Let’s build more with solar farms together ready to catch free, clean, and limitless power. WhiteHot Sollo supplies our visions and energies forward with each new day with our Sun Energy Untapping Solution’s

WhiteHot Sollo
In the Center of Earth View of Our Sun

Our sun is the master of potential power around our solar system and is hot enough to sustain dynamic thermonuclear fusion timelessly. Our human race now occupies the extreme spaces above being watched by extraterrestrials which encourages and desires our advances. We have become one of many yet newest member aliens in our Milky Way Galaxy. The sun is our power answer here on Earth and is infinite with energy solution possibilities. As humanity engages with an endless powerhouse sun always around lighting us with each new day. The watchers predicted human success being launched from the blue planet Earth right now with a continually backing pointed effort from Sollo. Let the sun radiate down covering Earth with Light, Energy, and Power ready for All . Ready for Solar Farming Here on Earth

Interdimensional Thor

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will Happen within the fabric of matter, energy, and space time dimensions.
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