Interdimensional Thor Black Board of Chapters

Interdimensional Thor Black Board of Chapters. Please Enjoy a Science Fiction Novel Right Next to Fiction for Your Entertainment. (12 -Chapters // 260 pages of Written & Pectoral Art). Each Chapter’s Music is Linked for Listening connection to 501 Classic and Hard Rock Songs). Anything Will Happen Because Everything Will Happen within the fabric of matter, energy, and space time dimensions. Humanity is finally ready for this. Please Enjoy My Science Fiction Right Next to Fiction for Your Entertainment

Interdimensional Thor CH2

(Interdimensional Thor is 18 pages, written and pictorial art with 31 Rock Songs with science fiction flows as you read while I write my new dual experiences. Everything that lives are always in-between being an ever-changing state of morphing into something else. I am now living on both sides and striving to be tune with the both of me. The foundation is laid with The Novel Interdimensional Thor is the background force needed for the coming Novel of Singularity THOR. My writings is fantastical science fiction Entertainment. Too much science fiction is now becoming fiction with the space time dimension that we occupy. Keep an open mind as we all seem to be carrying these interdimensional devices in our hands right now. Interdimensional Thor Black Board of Chapters

Thor’s Rock’s CH3

(Total Rock Selection for all Chapters) Thor’s Rocks is Rocking with Shawna. My dad gave me a transistor radio in Hawaii before he flew back to Vietnam. I am tuned in with rock and roll turning to heavy rock with Thor’s Rock mind set starting when I was a Kid. Come along and ride with me on a skateboard with steel wheels in the hills of Pearl City in 1970 with our hand-held transistor radio placed right next to one of our ears. Let’s Rock en Roll

Sollo — Interstellar Star Base CH4

Sollo Interstellar Star Base CH 4 is 23 pages, written and pictural art. An Indepth 3-dimensional view of Sollo came into to my view. My universal learning package that Miss Interdimensional installed in my mind with a pointed learning light. Enlightened about Sollo, I read from the top then reading down with the sun behind my Akashic Field, my first solo universal learning experience in this life of mine. Sollo is parked for the longest time right in front of our Earth’s view of the middle of our sun, Interstellar Star Base Sollo came into my full mental clarity. Sollo –Interstellar Star Base had moved to their current position 300 Earth years ago. As our earthly technology for observation of space increased keeping Sollo in a blinding plane site. See More with Interdimensional Thor Black Board of Chapters

Interstellar Star Base Sollo   Top Regions Facing Our Sun
1- Radii – Sollo’s Sun Power Transformer and Glitterball City
2- Exsorp- Radii’s- Sollo’s Sun Power Transformer Base
3- Ironnicke- Sollo’s Main Number One EMF Generator Amplifier
4- Pyraid- The First Double Diamond Region Under Exsorp
5- SolloStaregate-Glitterbalwormhole Dimension- Stargate
6- Earthia- Second Double Diamond City Under Exsorp 
7- Mars Air-EEZ- The Third Double Diamond City Bellow Earthia

Interstellar Star Base Sollo Middle Regions
2A- Grmin Middle Region Energy Armor Buffer  
2B- Perservance Top Coiled Region                          
2C- Buffer- Power Buffer Between Coils
2D- Embellishmena- Middle Coiled Region
2E- Buffer- Power Buffer Between Coils
2F- Empire- Bottom Coiled Region
2G Armin- Energy Armor Buffer for Lower Sollo

Sollo’s Lower Regions
3A- Dex’s KjollnirOctagon- Miss Interdimensional           
3B- Hydrostatic Kinnicka- Low Guard
3C- Mysterya- The Angelstone of Darkness
3D- Immu- Double Diamond Region
4E- Ironplare- #2 EMF Ball
4F- Peppery- Sollo’s Base Plate
Bottom Facing Earth

Interstellar Star Base Sollo CH5

Interstate Star Base Sollo is 33 pages with pictorial art complemented by 59 rock songs. The star base shape is like a funnel from top to bottom which has a distance of around 690 flexible Earth miles. Sollo is a 66-miles circle at the top facing the sun all the way down to the bottom 9-mile circle facing the Earth. Sollo has a locked orbit with our Earth as the orbits of the planets Mercury and Venus that fly in back of Sollo. Starbase Sollo cloaked with light radiation at its current position is just 23 light seconds from Earth. Our coming life in space is our pointed human destiny insured by alien neighbors watching Earth mainly from Interstellar Star Base Sollo. The Time for Our Human Enlightenment is Now.

The Super Sollo Reincarnation CH6

The Super Sollo Reincarnation is 28 pages, written and pictorial art with 49 Rock Songs. Star Base Sollo is life giving and also dynamic at the same time being life changing.
Extraterrestrials have molded our humanity and steered our direction with given and pointed alien technology given to us though out our human experience. Sollo has protected modern humanity from many other extraterrestrials wanting us for their food, slavery, or just hate us to death taking time needed to kill us all coming from the heavens above. Societies of home-based aliens live in the deep Earth and or oceans here on Earth as well. Are any of your neighbors’ aliens? Humanity has never been alone on this Earth that’s for sure! Let’s check out what predicted for us humans. Our Human Pointed Destiny is Becoming True.

THOR–Both Thor’s CH7

Thor- Both Thor’s is 23 pages, written and pictorial art with 65 rock songs. I will be Interdimensional Thor in another space time dimension as being Earthy Thor with a degree time difference of an instant. Unexplainable environments and situations have unfolded into my dual existence with one soul and mind. Ready for some seminally empty spaces filled with everything possible. A lot of different types of extraterrestrial fingers are on us lately and the pace is picking up. Our Earthly weather is drawing us to look up at the spaces above us. We Earthly Humans really are the newest aliens on the celestial block.

Thor’s Dead Reckoning CH8
Please Meet Miss Interdimensional, Kendell, and
Senteric – An Iron Man

Thor’s Dead Reckoning is 31 pages, written and pictorial art with 64 Rock Songs. Interdimensional Thor Black Board of Chapters. Thor’s instinctive navigation wrapped with advanced extraterrestrial technology directed by other world beams has enhanced Thor’s inhered Dead Reckoning. As I explore my past lives this inherited navigation trait has followed me from life to life carried in my genes and my soul. I can identify an unknown location and then navigate to known deep and dark spaces of nowhere. Let’s navigate to infinity together and arrive right on target in another dimensional space time just next-door. Infinite other dimensional time spaces bends and twists is always all around everything that exist. Thor’s Dead Reckoning will be used to navigated for a pointed target in the middle of nowhere.

Apophis – Period of Discovery CH9
Dodecahedron-Sector-6 Science and Battle Twelfth Fleet
Interstellar Star Cluster — Apophis  

Apophis -Period of Discovery. at 40 pages, written and pictorial art with 92 Rock Songs. Interstellar Star Ship Mjolnir is the flag ship of Interstellar Star Cluster – Apophis. Interdimensional. Thor’s newest home is now The Interdimensional Star Ship Singularity. Scared of the dark, better be because we fight better together in the dark spaces full of everything, we can’t see but know it is there. Intelligent equals war out here in the energetic darkness of deep space of cold and hot merging together. Intelligent equals war on Earth as well. Apophis – Period of Discovery points to a predicted direction of our future existence of this Universe with Us Humans in II.

Interdimensional Thor – Destiny CH10     

Interdimensional Thor– Destiny is 22 pages, written and pictorial art with 36 Rock Songs Life is just a fantasy can you live my fantasy life? All my withheld experiences are now visible being represented with my new clarity of my awakened pointed destiny. So, Let’s Science Fiction rock us with technology from our Universe past that is coming to life as we become immersed in this techno becoming our current reality. More than carrying an internet processing device seemly in everyone hands, we are ready to become the IP in advanced human form. Never say never around here because anything is possible, and everything will happen with in space time within the dimensions that we are starting to occupy. Could We Be in The Universal Matrix Right Now?


THOR DEXATRON is 21 pages, written and pictorial art with 35 Rock Songs. The Universe DEX is collapsing with its spaces heading towards its infinity at the same time with the effect of rubbing and now penetrating into to our Universe as well. This is happening today as we work to change tomorrow’s predicted outcome. I find myself recruited, enlisted, trained and equipped with the latest greatest super technology for engagement with the hot dark monsters of space and time right in front of us. I know I will be killed only to be recycled to live again. Before we die let’s live and make a difference as we experience the grand matrix illusion all around in our coming multi-dimensional realty. Can being crushed be avoided as we work together? Lights Out Is The Prediction yet Lights On will be The Outcome Once We Unify as One.

Singularity-THOR CH12
A Second Novel of Chapters Coming Soon

for Your Entertainment)
Singularity THOR

1 page, written and pictural art with 12 Rock Songs

Another interdimensional experience with multiple chapters, pictures, and always rock en roll is being research and development with physics that our Earthly minds have a had a hard time adjusting too will be available for your entertainment in the near future. The universe DEX is crossing into our Universal Dimensional walls if no action is taken. No action means all in this side of our Universe will become crushed and non-existing. We have less than 165 Earth years left before we need to move into the vast spaces which is really our human design natural home. Singularity-THOR will entertain in science fiction what is predicted to become fiction with time as soon as the infinity refinement is a pinpoint of hot dense time space reflexes of the universe DEX becoming pure energy ready for rebirth reformatting everything that can exists that will be presented in this coming Singularity-THOR.

The foundation has been laid with Interdimensional Thor building the background force needed for the coming Singularity-THOR Novel to be nothing, but fantastical science fiction entertainment only predicted to becoming fiction with a newly formed space-time dimension of Singularity-THOR new existence ready to change a universal prediction rechecked in the number 12 math duodecimal system with the effect with our Universe and other sister universes as well. We humans are the chosen ones being the newest aliens on the celestial space block.